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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Our twelve wishes to you for the next twelve months:


Wish of Health
[health that all the money in the world cannot buy]
Wish of Love
[that life around you be filled with love, not with hatred and war]
Wish of Luck
[that you never lack of anything in this life]
Wish of Dreams
[that you have dreams so as to see them come true]
Wish of Courage
[courage to accept what you cannot change]
Wish of Encounters
[that you taste the sweetness of friendship and never feel lonely]
Wish of Family Unity
[that you enjoy the enduring ties of a loving family]
Wish of Success
[that all your projects be fruitful]
Wish of Peace
[that your heart be free of anxiety, hatred, and envy]
Wish of Gratitude
[that you rejoice for being alive each and every day]
Wish of Imagination
[that you can see even beyond the wonders of creation]
The Most Important Wish
[that you receive blessing each and every day of this new year]